Lutheran Church
First Time at FLC? If you are a first time visitor, Welcome! We want you to feel comfortable when you first visit our church. Please introduce yourself to our ushers and fill out the green visitor card in your pew. Your gift to us will be your visitor card so please put it in the offering plate. Stay after the service and join us for coffee, snacks, and fellowship downstairs; we'd like to get to know you.
Where is the church located?
1115 Combie Road, Meadow Vista,CA 97522
What time are the services?
Sunday Morning Worship is at 10am with Adult Education at 8:50am.
Is there Sunday school?
Sunday School is at 8:50am for elementary, junior high, and senior high students.
What should I wear?
Dress is mostly casual with people wearing clothing ranging from shorts and nice shirts to dresses, slacks, and collared shirts.
What options are there for children during the worship service?
Children may sit with their parents in the pews or they may sit at a children's table with art supplies in the back of the sanctuary. There is also childcare available downstairs for well children under 6 years of age during adult education and during the service.
Is there music?
There is singing and professional piano accompaniment at every worship service. The choir performs on select Sundays and we also have additional professional music accompaniment on occasion.
Are gluten-free wafers available for communion?
Yes, please indicate to the pastor that you prefer a gluten-free wafer.
Keywords: church, ELCA, Lutheran, religious organization,